Thursday, June 9, 2011

Athlete-of-the-Day: Family Summer Fun

The kitchen clock reads 8:29pm and my earnest, salty, ten-year old skids into the kitchen.

"Who's the Athlete-of-the-Day?" he pants.

Titus, red-faced, has just dropped-and-given-10 for another set of push-ups in order to hopefully win the daily honor.

The Athlete-of-the-Day award requires battling it out with your family to complete push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, squats, run(s), reading (exercise for the mind, people), and drinking water.  You must complete every category to be in the running at 8:30pm when the time stops.

"Most parents just mark their kid's height on the door twice a year." laughs my friend, Angela.

A notebook and sharpie are set out on the kitchen counter each morning, and each family member has from sun-up to sun-down to get in as much as they can throughout the day.

Daily log (and dinner prep)

It's amazing where you can squeeze in a little exercise.  A set of pull-ups (in a dress) no problem!  A set of squats while you're waiting at the gas pump (a little odd and you do get some stares) gets it done!

When a family member wins seven Athlete-of-the-Day honors, they are awarded with new running shoes of their choice.  Want to join us for some summer family bonding, healthy competition with good physical fruit?

10 = 1 set.
Luke (16) and David do clapping power push-ups.
10 = 1 set for Luke and David.
7 = 1 set for Chase (age 12).
5 = 1 set for Kim.
3 = 1 set for Titus (age 10).
1 = 1 set  for Colvin (age 6).
Sit ups:
30 = 1 set for all
30 = 1 set for all
1.2 miles = 1 set..
.5 mile for Colvin (age 6)
30 minutes = 1 set
Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea! My little one is only 2, but I think this is an amazing way to encourage a healthy lifestyle. I'm going to talk to my husband about starting this between us this summer - no better way for our little one to learn than by example! Thanks for sharing this!!
