Monday, September 26, 2011

Salty Sue

I seek out salty women, always have.  

Adding them to life's common ingredients brings out the true flavor of any daily grace, for me.  Women of flavor bring a memorable fusion of color, texture, tartness and depth to my table.  

This weekend, my heart's taste buds were bursting with the arrival of an old and true friend.

Salty Sue, I love you.

Got your tickets to the gun show?  Check out her arms!
Sue takes scraps out to the chickens.  Will they like jalepenos?

God saw fit to bring two teenage girls together in a small liberal arts college over twenty years ago and knit their hearts together for all time.  He knew then what we couldn't possibly begin to fathom; how each life would unfold and how each path would wind through love and loss, pain and health, loneliness and joy.

Sue's spicy husband (Frank) and sweet kids (Isaac and Grace)

And God continues to allow rare opportunities to encourage and refresh and delight in the on-going journey. What grace! He brings us together again, on an old farm in Maryland, to glimpse into each other's lives,  enjoy each other's children, and witness the grace lavished on each of us since last we met.

Salty women of the future (Colvin and Grace, age 6)

He treats us to an undeserved feast of friendship, and I get up from the table well-fed and with great thanksgiving.

"For you are the salt of the earth"

Make it delicious!

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