Sunday, May 1, 2011

A rock in your shoe.

What does this picture make you think about?

I can tell you what these soldiers are most certainly NOT thinking about:
  1. The calories they are burning or whether they are in the fat-burning zone.
  2. The great legs and rear-end workout they are getting.
  3. Stopping.
  4. Checking their watch or their heart-rate monitor.
  5. Complaining.
  6. Personal comfort.
  7. Themselves.
All About Athlete wants to be a rock in your shoe, a constant reminder, about our communal perceptions about good and right fitness...

  1. True health and fitness is to be used for something, not merely looked at and admired.
  2. Good physical fitness is prepared for anything, any time. 
  3. Real fitness and courage are intimate lovers.  Without selfless courage, fitness is vain.
  4. Personal comfort and isolation are the enemies of true readiness.
  5. Gratitude and joy are at the root of all right fitness.
  6. We must be ready, prepared and courageous to assist those who are weak, fightened or suffering.
  7. Am I ready?  Am I prepared?  Am I courageous?  Am I thankful?

FREEDOM Challenge starts in 2 weeks!  We provide 12 consecutive challenging days to practice and implement good and right fitness in the most FUN and memorable workouts of the year.  Rivers, lakes, hills, stretchers, platoons, wounded warriors, beaches, trails, guns, patriot won't soon forget it!

We hope you will join us!  Register @

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