Monday, March 28, 2011

Fried chicken (Part 1)

When was the last time you had fried chicken?

It's probably been a while.  We're not supposed to eat fried chicken any more, right?  Especially the fatty dark meat.  Oh, and only a crazy person with no regard for their health would eat the skin!

 Well, I love it all.  Here's one (of three) reasons why.

The last time I ate Kentucky Fried Chicken, I was in a remote refugee town on the border of South Africa and Mozambique.  Many of the impoverished citizens of this community can't afford the basic necessities of life (shoes, bread, medicine), but there is a KFC on the corner. Crazy!

I was sharing a big bucket of crispy chicken, plates of french fries and a coke with a teenager named Senzo and his wonderful adopted father (Hannes).

Hannes thinks Senzo is around 14.  We're not sure of his exact age, as Hannes found him when he was a very little boy, wandering around the village and eating from the trash.  He had been abandoned and was fending for himself to the point of starvation and extreme illness.

Hannes rescued our boy, gave him an age and a birthday (April 1st, always the joker) and continues to care for him today.  He loves him fiercely as his own.

Senzo (left) and Hannes (center) and Kenny (right) proudly wearing their new Texas gear!
Despite a mega-watt smile, Senzo has a timid personality in social settings, struggles in school and is slightly stunted from the lack of nutrition during his early years.  Oh, and he also will struggle with HIV his entire life.

And BOY does he like fried chicken!

Nothing made me happier than to share this special feast with him.  Not for one second did I think of the calories, the grease, or the trans fats as I licked my fingers and ordered another plate.  I spent no time thinking of when I was going to squeeze in a run to burn this all off.  I was in the presence of utter delight, made all the richer because sweet Senzo is now sharing a table with people who love him, and always will.

True nourishment comes in many forms, and so does empty hunger.  

Fried chicken is not our enemy and organic vegetables are not the cure for all our hungers.  Rather that we share a celebration with loved ones around a bucket of chicken - than share stress, worry and strain around a gourmet "healthy" meal.  

Which one leaves you nourished?

Keep Austin Weird, Baby!

Story 2 coming next!

1 comment:

  1. You always make me think about an every day situation in a completely different light. I love the blog!
