Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring weeding

Spring is, hands down, my favorite time of year.  The main reason?

No stubborn weeds, yet.

Sure, the cool mornings and the longer evenings are magical.  Sleeping with windows thrown open to the sound of doves in the oak trees, lingering with neighbors in the street, and tending to newly planted tomato seedlings certainly revives the soul.

But, for a person who loves to garden, the fact that the weeds wait until late next month to torment me is bliss.

When the roses on the fence start to bloom, and the fruit on the vines start to take shape next month, that's when the weeds will roll up their sleeves and put up their dukes in earnest.

Weeding is one of my least favorite activities on the planet.  Why does it seem that no matter how many times I dig up a weed, it stubbornly returns before the blink of the eye?

But the time on my knees spent weeding is also some of my best times of reflection.  Bowed over in dirty jeans, fingernails shredded beyond repair, alone, I am forced to think about these damn unrelenting weeds, and it always brings me back to the soil of my heart.

Weeds of pride and self-absorption seem to put down thorny roots in every crack and crevice of my inner spaces.  It's appalling how they return, unbidden, with such alacrity.  

From experience, there's no way to gently pull up weeds.  It takes a humble posture and a determined Gardener to hack 'em out.  Heart work is hard work.

Our fitness, nutrition and body is one part of our garden where weeds can thrive side-by-side with the seedlings we plant.  God knows we water and fertilize it enough!  The weeds can sprout up as easily as the flowers, and it takes attention and determination to root them out and throw them in the garbage heap.

What weeds can you see putting down roots in your "garden"?
Which ones are hidden?
Which need to be rooted out, now, in order that you can better bear fruit?

You have a whole month to think about it:)  

"For he causes the sun to shine on the evil and the good, and sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous..." (Matthew 5)


  1. Kimmy - - I am enthralled with your thoughts and honesty and unbelievably - I think all your words somehow are speaking right to me. I'm sure all your readers think that - - but I am trying to get rid of many weeds throughout this spring and have found such inspiration and comfort in your words - as I always have.
    Colvin's photo is precious - a little Kim.
    xoxoxoxo - - Jenny

  2. Thank you Jenny! Boy do I miss you!

    I know you are fearless and your eyes are wide open. You will tackle your heart work with as much gusto as you do everything else.

    I look forward to the day (soon) when we can shut a door and catch up on life:)
