Tuesday, August 2, 2011

If you could only harness it.

"Her vitality, if you could have harnessed it, would have supplied a whole town with electric light."

I love this line from Young Archidemes, a short story by Great Britain writer Aldous Huxley.  His  description makes me think of so many of the radiant, electric women I adore.

Next line.

"Enormous stores of vital energy accumulate in unemployed women of sanguine temperament, which vent themselves in ways that are generally deplorable: in interfering with other people's affairs, in working up emotional scenes, in thinking about love and making it, and in bothering men till they cannot get on with their work."

Mmmm.  This is like finding a bone in a mouthful of fish dinner--it will certainly prompt you to swallow the remaining bites of the meal with more care.  So one must read Huxley's tale gingerly, chewing the words slowly for sharp points, thinking and enjoying the whole meal, bones and all.  Good writers don't make things easy or safe, but it's always a feast.

That said, this is what a seven-page short story from a 1920's author made me consider today, and I pass it on to you...

Fabulous women, how do we harness the vitality that has been placed purposefully inside each of us?

How do we best provide light for loved ones, neighbors, even a whole city, without working up emotional scenes?

Where can we vent our God-given energies in ways that are generally not deplorable?

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

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